My name is Brenda Hanson. I am part of the leadership team of a group of peaceful patriots called We the People in rural Western New York. The group has existed informally since the beginning of the COVID-era. But, in March 2021, the group took it to the next level and began to organize gatherings of concerned and peaceful citizens who were interested in working together to stand up for the civil liberties secured in the Constitution and to push back against what has become excessive, arbitrary, and capricious governmental overreach.
In the spring of 2021, the local governments of two counties in Nevada (Lander and Elko) passed resolutions declaring that they supported the Constitution and the right of citizens to live free. I googled "Elko County" and discovered contact info for the County Commissioners. I picked up the phone and called Commissioner Rex Steninger. He graciously gave me some of his time, advice, and encouragement. As I prepared to hang up the phone, I commented that most people in our Country look at New York State through the lens of the assumption that all people here are big government people with a secular worldview. I said to Mr. Steninger, "Please don't forget about the freedom-loving people in New York."
It's true that freedom-loving, conservative, and traditional Americans who reside in the State of New York frequently have their voices silenced and their rights infringed by the looming Goliath we know as Albany and the powerful elite bureaucracy upon which she is built. But We the People are here. And we have a story. And we are pursuing a mission, for we are dedicated to passing the torch of liberty, private property, due process, and truth about our heritage to our children and grandchildren. We recognize that LOCAL GOVERNMENT and COUNTY SHERIFFS are essential and we seek to engage our school boards, town governments, county governments, and sheriff's departments in conversations about how to protect the liberties of our local communities from those who seem intent on seeing us as subjects rather than citizens.
We know the journey is long and the day is short. But, we rise with peaceful and principled opposition against tyranny and we push back because it is the right thing to do. We know that our hope is in the LORD, the Creator of Heaven and Earth and the Author of Liberty. And so we press on, privileged to participate on the right side of the unfolding of history.
We welcome other citizens and other counties to join us. Your story and specifics will look different. But the goal will be the same: the preservation of the green grass and the blue skies of liberty. t